E-mails cross the Atlantic between Venice and New York. A sixteenth-century painter, nicknamed “tintoretto”, the “little dyer”, is struggling to make a name for himself among the artists of the Venetian Republic. A Venetian inspector doesn’t know a thing about Renaissance painting, but wants to learn. But where are we? In the Venice of the Doges, or the Venice of the vaporetti? Both. Because to solve the mystery surrounding several murders, it’s sometimes necessary to go very far back in time… The collision of centuries makes this novel a very special kind of thriller.
Writer and translator Thierry Maugenest, who now lives in Provence, spent many years in the Venice region.
This is his first novel.
« To lose oneself in it is a sheer delight, to find oneself in it feels like a liberation. Some brilliant digressions on Venitian painting add to the stylistic verve of a book you’ll devour like a treat. »
Figaro Magazine